Managed Campaigns
Promote your tracks directly to the fan bases of over 450,000 SoundCloud artists. Trusted by major labels and PR professionals.
Connect with SoundCloud, choose a public track, set target genres and reach, then sit back and monitor real-time results.
Our algorithm sends direct repost requests to thousands of members with fan bases from one hundred to one million genuine followers, matching your selected genres.
Receive genuine reposts, plays, and follows. Requests continue until your target reach is met, with potential for substantial additional engagement from algorithms and chart placements.
$139.99 | 250K | 282,123 |
Cost | Goal | Total reach |
$259.99 | 500K | 526,123 |
Cost | Goal | Total reach |
$499.99 | 1M | 1,026,123 |
Cost | Goal | Total reach |
Managed Campaigns are available to all members on the Network Plan or higher. Sometimes we will invite commercial entities (e.g. major labels or PR professionals) to use the feature without a plan - please contact
When a SoundCloud member reposts your track, it will go into the feed of all of their followers. So the 'reach' of a campaign is the total number of SoundCloud users that a track is reposted to. A small percentage of these users (usually 1-3%) will go on to play the track and potentially like/comment/follow or even repost it themselves.
Yes. All members are genuine artists, labels or channels. We use sophisticated technology to detect and actively block non-genuine accounts from using the platform.
No. But we use intelligent algorithms to accurately identify how many fake/bot followers each member has. We then adjust their follower count on RepostExchange accordingly, so you will not pay to have your music reposted to non-genuine accounts.
RepostExchange members have over 70 million fans between them. Individual accounts have between 10 and 1m followers. Your track will be sent to a mix of smaller and larger accounts.
Members earn credits for reposting music they like. They can then spend these credits on getting their own music reposted. Reposting is optional and encouraged only if they enjoy the track and feel it would be suitable for their fans. Our Managed Campaign service takes care of this behind the scenes.
Join 400,000 SoundCloud artists using it today.